Common English Words used in Daily Life with Hindi Meaning to learn and speak English Quickly

Common English Words used in Daily Life with Hindi Meaning to learn and speak English Quickly

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  1. Prepare – तैयारी करना
  2. Vex – तंग करना
  3. Earn – कमाना
  4. Improve – सुधारना
  5. Fight – लड़ना
  6. Think – सोचना
  7. Search – खोजना
  8. Praise – प्रशंसा करना
  9. Feed – खिलाना
  10. Break – तोडना
  11. Come out – निकलना
  12. abuse – गाली देना
  13. Return – वापस आना
  14. Catch – पकड़ना
  15. Take meal – भोजन करना
  16. Finish – समाप्त करना
  17. Rest – आराम करना
  18. Mischievous – बदमाश
  19. Refuse – इन्कार करना
  20. Harm – नुकसान पहुँचाना
  21. Stop – रुकना
  22. Ruin – बर्बाद करना
  23. Kiss – चूमना
  24. Clear – साफ करना
  25. Retire – अवकाश पाना
  26. Decide – निर्णय करना, तय करना
  27. Suffer – ग्रसित होना, पीड़ित होना
  28. Demand – मांग करना
  29. Tease – चिढाना
  30. Disturb – तंग करना
  31. Request – अनुरोध करना
  32. Defeat – हराना
  33. Mind – ध्यान देना
  34. Argue – बहस करना
  35. Discuss – चर्चा करना
  36. Waste – बर्बाद करना
  37. Dare – हिम्मत करना
  38. Flow – बहना
  39. Create – उत्पन्न करना
  40. Build – बनाना
  41. Find out – पता लगाना
  42. Calculate – गणना करना
  43. Occur – घटित होना
  44. Use – इस्तेमाल करना
  45. Solve – समाधान करना
  46. Commit suicide – आत्महत्या करना
  47. Recognise – पहचानना
  48. Punish – सजा देना
  49. Distribute – बाँटना
  50. Grow – बढ़ना, उपजाना
  51. Find – पाना
  52. Plant – रोपना
  53. Exploit – शोषण करना
  54. Remove – हटाना
  55. Encourage – प्रोत्साहित करना
  56. Select – चुनना
  57. Insult – अपमानित करना
  58. Invite – निमंत्रण देना
  59. Treat – बर्ताव करना
  60. Force – दबाद डालना
  61. Arrest – गिरफ्तार करना
  62. Hide – छिपाना
  63. Hit – चोट करना
  64. Hold – पकड़ना
  65. Hope – आशा करना
  66. Hurt – चोट पहुँचाना
  67. Jump – कूदना
  68. Keep – रखना
  69. Kneel – घुटने टेकना
  70. Knit – बुनना
  71. Lay – लेटना, रख देना
  72. Lead – नेतृत्त्व करना
  73. Lean – झुकना
  74. Leap – उछलना
  75. Let – किराया लगाना
  76. Make – बनाना
  77. Mean – मतलब रखना
  78. Pay – चुकाना
  79. Prove – साबित करना
  80. Quit – छोड़ना
  81. Ride – चढ़ना
  82. Seek – खोजना
  83. Set – ठीक करना
  84. Shake – हिलाना
  85. Shoot – गोली मारना
  86. Show – दिखाना
  87. Shut – बंद करना
  88. Sink – डूबना
  89. Sit – बैठना
  90. Slay – कत्ल करना
  91. Smell – सूंघना
  92. Spit – थूकना
  93. Spread – फैलाना
  94. Spring – उछलना
  95. Stick – चिपकना
  96. Strike – चोट मारना
  97. Strive – चेष्टा करना
  98. Swear – कसम खाना
  99. Sweep – बाहारना
  100. Swell – फूलना

Now, enhancing English language proficiency through consistent practice is crucial. This article has delved into various aspects of English language learning, such as English speaking practice, writing practice, and understanding English words' meanings in both English and Hindi. Whether you're pursuing an English speaking course, seeking English speaking practice for kids, or striving to improve your writing skills, the journey to mastering English words and their Hindi meanings can greatly aid your progress. From basic English words to those more complex, like those beginning with the letter 'h,' the quest to comprehend English words and sentences, and even delving into the challenge of pronouncing tricky terms, each step contributes to a richer vocabulary and improved communication skills. Through resources like English workbooks and tailored exercises like cursive writing and word practice, the bridge between languages grows stronger. The amalgamation of English words and Hindi meanings not only nurtures language skills but also cultivates cultural understanding. So, whether you're deciphering the Hindi translation of English words or navigating typing in Hindi, the path to comprehending and integrating these languages is undoubtedly rewarding. With this journey, learners can grasp English words' nuances, ultimately leading to a seamless transition from English words in Hindi to independent English expression.

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